Knowing and Caring
Knowing and Caring
Inspired by Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass
Edward O. Wilson said that humans have "Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology." This combination seems to me to create a real imbalance and dysfunction where the sheer amount of information can provide the illusion of evolutionary advancement, but do we understand our own natures and the systems that have yet to catch up?
Robin Wall Kimmerer, a mother, scientist and botanist, and member of the Potawatomi tribe, who inspired this chat, shares evidence that society in many ways has moved in the opposite direction of wisdom. She asks of us, "For what good is knowing, unless it is coupled with caring? Science can give us knowing, but caring comes from someplace else." I think the more we can cultivate a source of caring in each of us, the more effectively we can use our immense wealth of knowledge in ways that help instead of harm.